Okehampton Community Dance Project
Granted funding towards their affordable and inclusive dance sessions. 70-80 children from 3-18 years will benefit. https://www.facebook.com/Okedanceproject/?locale=en_GB Home-Start Teignbridge Granted funding towards restarting the weekly stay and play sessions. 20 children from 0-4 and 8 young parents under 25 will benefit. https://www.home-start.org.uk/home-start-teignbridge Devon Healing Horsemanship – Willand Granted funding towards helping Restart participants working with horses. 11 children from 8-24 years will benefit. https://devonhealinghorsem.wixsite.com/devon-healing-horsem/about-us Tor Bridge Primary School – Plymouth Awarded a contribution towards creating a welcoming library environment for their pupils. 180+ young people from 5-12 years will benefit. https://tbp.timat.co.uk/ Wild Hearts Services CIC – Exeter Awarded funding towards running Forest School holiday clubs. 11 distinct Kinship Care children from 7-16 years will benefit. https://wildheartsservices.co.uk/
Devon Youth Justice Exeter
Granted funding towards the development of the Crosspark allotment, ‘the making amends project’. They work with children from 10–17 who have been involved with the Youth Justice Service and the communities they live in. https://www.devon.gov.uk/educationandfamilies/young-people/youth-justice-service/ Go Beyond Granted funding towards enabling disadvantaged children having a week’s residential break with focussed outdoor activities. 16 children aged between 8 and 13 years from Plymouth Devon will benefit. https://www.gobeyond.org.uk/ Sirona Therapeutic Horsemanship Dartington. Granted funding towards therapeutic horsemanship sessions which are hugely beneficial for young people struggling with their lives. They work with 14-25 year olds and expect 30-40 young people through their project in the next twelve months. https://sironaequine.org.uk/ |
November 2024